08 July 2020
Figure 1 elastic

As with many other meetings and events during the past months, our second project meeting had to be done remotely due to the Covid-19 constraints. The first day was packed with presentations and video demos from the technical work packages (WP) on the smart mobility use case and data analytics platform. The second day was dedicated to more technical discussions on the software and computing architecture, as well as dissemination, exploitation, and project management tasks.

Although not the same as meeting physically, we managed to make the most out of it and also learnt a few interesting lessons.

•    Structure and flexibility: The meeting was structured as a physical meeting with consequent presentations by each WP. However, the agenda had to be maneuvered around depending on the needs for more depth in technical discussions while everyone was able to ask for clarifications at any time. Frequent breaks helped to maintain concentration.
•    Demonstrations: We found the video demos presented by the technical WPs particularly helpful. They provided a visual way to demonstrate the progress in the ELASTIC use case and software platforms.

Figure 1 elastic

Snapshots from the THALIT demos

•    Slides: The same principle applies to presentation slides that are ought to be interactive with rich infographics that are easier to engage with. If possible, it would help to send around the slides in advance so participants can have a look and come prepared.
•    Break out rooms: We did not use break out rooms for smaller group discussions this time. However, it is a useful feature in order to mix representatives from different partners for more in-depth queries. Specific technical meetings will follow to address these needs.
•    Finally, don’t forget the group photo/screenshot!

All in all, the meeting proved very fruitful considering the circumstances. The digital format worked out well and the consortium felt the usefulness of the discussions in order to proceed with the project developments.

We may have missed our physical meeting in Porto, Portugal, that would have been hosted by our partner ISEP this time, but we will make sure to keep working productively from home for as long as it is needed and to reschedule our date. Until next time!