In the latest three and half years, the European project ELASTIC has worked on a novel software architecture solution for advanced mobility systems. In the following ELASTIC video, you can see how ELASTIC prevent accidents, facilitate traffic management and corroborate reducing maintenance costs.


This ELASTIC video below demonstrates how the project is developing a novel software architecture for extreme-scale analytics that will form the technological basis for advanced mobility systems and autonomous transport networks. It also shows how this technology will be tested in a real smart mobility use case deployed on the tram network of the metropolitan area of Florence, Italy.


The following video demonstrates how the ELASTIC project creates an integrated, safe and smart urban mobility environment, with less accidents, efficient traffic management and reduced maintenance costs by enhancing the interaction between the city infrastructure, the public tram network and private vehicles.


The video below is the full recording of the ELASTIC session "Next generation smart mobility systems, leveraging extreme-scale analytics over a novel elastic software architecture” at the European Big Data Value Forum 2020 that took place in November 2020.


The following video by our partner Citta Metropolitana di Firenze shows how the ELASTIC technology is applied on the public tram vehicles of Florence (in Italian).