We were more than happy to contribute to the European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF 2020) this year with a parallel session under the “Smart Society” Track dedicated to the innovative ELASTIC software architecture. Thanks to our panelists and attendees, the session gave a holistic overview of the project’s work towards a next generation mobility system and received a lot of attention and positive feedback!
Under the title “Next generation smart mobility systems, leveraging extreme-scale analytics over a novel elastic software architecture”, the discussion focused on the ELASTIC software ecosystem, capable of exploiting the distributed computing capabilities of the compute continuum of the smart city, while guaranteeing additional properties, such as real-time, energy, communication quality, and security.
We further talked about how this design will be adopted and tested in a real-life mobility use case in the public tram network of Florence in Italy, aiming to improve safety, efficiency and maintenance of the transportation vehicles. The presentations were followed by a lively Q&A time when attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and interact with the panel.
Find details on the panelists and download their presentation slides below:
• Eduardo Quiñones (ELASTIC Project Coordinator, BSC): Overview of the ELASTIC project and the concept of elasticity
• Jürgen Assfalg (ICT Manager, Città Metropolitana di Firenze): Smart mobility use case in the city of Florence
• Anna Queralt (Senior Computer Scientist, BSC): Distributed platforms for extreme data analytics
• Elli Kartsakli (Senior Researcher, BSC): A novel software architecture for analytics workload distribution whilst fulfilling real-time, energy, communication and secure properties
Watch the full session: