We are excited to take part for another year in the Smart City Expo World Congress which takes place online on 17-18 November 2020. This year the key conference and exhibition in the field of smart cities and urban spaces takes a digital turn and is renamed to Smart City Live 2020. ELASTIC along with the European project CLASS have been selected by the Generalitat de Catalunya as joint participants in the novel Tomorrow.Radar online platform set up by the event organisers.
Find our contribution "Barcelona Supercomputing Center: A novel architecture to sculpt a new analytics definition" by clicking here.
About the event
A unique 2-day digital experience, this year’s event becomes Smart City Live - a forum to keep our community connected, despite the current restrictions due to COVID-19. A leadership program that gathers high-level professionals from cities and companies all around the world. It includes six crucial topics to address critical changes:
• Adapting urban mobility to safe and sustainable travel
• Technologies to address global urban challenges
• Redesigning cities and urban living for all
• Ensuring an inclusive economic recovery
• Resilient infrastructures and urban environments to build back better
• The future of retail in a digital era
The full programme and activities can be found here.