The ELASTIC coordinator and BSC researcher Eduardo Quiñones is one of the tutors at the HiPEAC ACACES 2021 Summer School that is held in Fiuggi, Italy on 13-17 September. His lecture is titled "Task-based Parallel Programming Models: The Convergence of High-Performance and Cyber- Physical Computing Domains" and takes place on multiple days:
- Mon, September 13th 14:30
- Tue, September 14th 14:30
- Thu, September 16th 14:30
- Fri, September 17th 14:30
The course addresses the challenges of applying HPC task-based parallel programming models (e.g., OpenMP, COMPSs) for developing, deploying and efficient executing advanced CPS across the compute continuum. It focuses on the syntax and semantics of the task-based models, and presents the support needed by the compiler analysis and runtime to guarantee functional correctness and real-time requirements. Fine-grained and coarse-grained parallelisation strategies are considered as well. During the course, examples of advanced CPS from the automotive, smart mobility and large scientific infrastructures are presented through the use cases of the ELASTIC, CLASS, and AMPERE projects.
The ACACES Summer School is organized by the HiPEAC Network in collaboration with the TETRAMAX Innovation Action. ACACES 2021 is the seventeenth edition of the Summer School.
The ACACES Summer School is a one week summer school for computer architects and tool builders working in the field of high performance computer architecture and compilation for computing systems. The school aims at the dissemination of advanced scientific knowledge and the promotion of international contacts among scientists from academia and industry.