2020 has been a year of lessons to learn. Speaking from the side of the ELASTIC project, it has been a year of adaptation and progress, despite the difficult circumstances during the pandemic. At the beginning of the new year, it is always a good exercise to reflect on what was achieved in the previous year in order to be able to look ahead.
In this spirit, we summarise the 2020 highlights of our project below:
- In January 2020, we celebrated our last physical F2F meeting in beautiful Arrasate, Spain, at the premises of our partner IKERLAN. During the 3-day gathering, the partners had the opportunity to discuss the latest developments of the project and collect useful feedback from the Industrial Advisory Board members.
- In April 2020, we started our Women in STEM interview series, which we are particularly proud of. Our female colleagues in ELASTIC have shared with us their experiences as women in STEM as well as insights about their work in the project.
- In May 2020, we launched our first project video along with a dedicated Press Release. The video demonstrates the ELASTIC novel software architecture for extreme-scale analytics and shows how this technology will be tested in a real smart mobility use case deployed on the tram network of Florence.
- In November 2020, we took part in Smart City Live 2020, the key event in the field of smart cities and urban spaces. ELASTIC along with the European project CLASS were selected by the Generalitat de Catalunya as joint participants in the novel Tomorrow.Radar online platform set up by the event organisers.
- In the same month, we organised a parallel session at the European Big Data Value Forum 2020. Thanks to our panelists and attendees, the session gave a holistic overview of the project’s work towards a next generation mobility system and received a lot of attention and positive feedback.
Stay tuned for our activities in 2021, as we look forward to more events, collaborations, and technical advancement!