At the BDEC plenary on 15 May, during the EuroHPC Summit Week 2019 in Poznan, Poland, Rosa M Badia from BSC talked about the synergies between the ELASTIC and the mF2C European projects.
In her presentation, titled “Workflows for continuum computing platforms (from edge to HP computing)”, Rosa explained how ELASTIC is taking benefit of the mF2C project with PyCOMPSs, which allows task-based applications to be built that are orchestrated along ELASTIC’s complex computing infrastructure.
“The audience was very receptive to the presentation, which was well appreciated. I received very positive feedback from the audience, including the European Commission,” said Rosa.
ELASTIC’s software architecture will be tested in the city of Florence, Italy, and equips tram vehicles with V2X communication and a variety of detectors aimed at improving traffic management, allowing predictive maintenance and enhancing the tramway operation.
The project uses a complex infrastructure with sensors and instruments in the edge that generate data and computation that will be done across the compute continuum, from edge to cloud. Executing applications on such distributed environments is complex, especially if real-time constraints need to be considered as well. The PyCOMPSs + dataClay technologies initially developed by mF2C will be enhanced to help to address these challenges.