Since the beginning of the ELASTIC project, we’ve made efforts to communicate our innovative work in an accessible manner. One of our ways to achieve this is to publish short news pieces on our website that explain our technology, written by the ELASTIC experts. Our articles range from pieces on the ELASTIC software architecture and Edge-to-Cloud infrastructure to our smart mobility use case in Florence and its autonomous tram applications. Browse our collection of technical articles and dive into the exciting ELASTIC universe!
- ELASTIC is boosting the autonomous tram in Florence, by Gianluca Mandò (Thales Italia SpA). The tramway infrastructure in Florence, Italy, is ready to host the first tests of key technologies that will develop the autonomous tram in the near future.
- Towards a distributed data analytics platform, by Cesar Marin (Information Catalyst) and Anna Queralt (BSC). ELASTIC is investigating two DDAP solutions for addressing data ingestion and storage.
- Exploiting the computing capabilities along the compute continuum, by Maria A. Serrano (BSC). ELASTIC is developing a software architecture framework capable of efficiently exploiting the computing capabilities of the compute continuum, while guaranteeing the real-time, energy, communication quality and security non-function properties of the system.
- Non-functional requirements in the ELASTIC architecture, by Luis Miguel Pinho (Polytechnic Institute of Porto). One of the main challenges to be tackled by ELASTIC is the necessity to fulfill the non-functional properties inherited from smart systems, such as real-time, energy efficiency, communication quality or security.
- The elasticity concept in Fog Computing architectures, by Álvaro González Vila (IKERLAN Technology Research Centre, Basque Research and Technology Alliance - BRTA). The aim of ELASTIC is to obtain the best from the fog computing architecture and demonstrate its application on a smart mobility use-case scenario.
- ELASTIC fog computing boosts smart mobility in Florence, by Jürgen Assfalg (Città Metropolitana di Firenze). The ELASTIC software architecture is expected to enable next generation smart mobility.
- From “Preventive” to “Predictive”: ELASTIC’s innovative approach to the maintenance of the Florence tramway network, by Flavia Gaudio (GEST). In the ELASTIC tram maintenance approach, processes are refined and intervention frequencies are tuned on the basis of indicators “felt” from the system.
- Data is King, but Information Rules, by Cristóvão Cordeiro (SixSq). Data needs processing, and this ever-increasing deluge raises new computing concerns with respect to: cost, network latency & reliability, and privacy. This is where ELASTIC's Edge-to-Cloud infrastructure comes into play.
- Autonomous Tram Architectures, by Gianluca Mandò (Thales Italia SpA). The ELASTIC architectural vision of how an autonomous tram will work in a near future, when urban mobility paradigms will be considerably influenced by self-driving cars and other autonomous vehicles.
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